Budget Calculator

This budget calculator helps individuals and households manage their expenses and stay within their budget. It takes into account the total budget value and the expenses categories provided by the user to calculate the total expenses and the remaining amount from the budget. The user enters the total budget amount and then adds the expenses categories such as housing, utilities, food, transportation, entertainment, etc. and their respective amounts. The calculator then summarizes the total expenses and compares it to the total budget amount, to provide the remaining amount left from the budget.

The budget calculator is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to keep track of their expenses and ensure that they are staying within their budget. It provides a clear picture of their total expenses and helps them make informed financial decisions. Additionally, the budget calculator can help identify areas where the user may be overspending and where they can cut back to stay within their budget.

Budget Criteria Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Quarterly Yearly
Total Income ($)
Total Home & Utilities Expenses ($)
Total Insurance & Financial Expenses ($)
Total Groceries Expenses ($)
Total Personal & Medical Expenses ($)
Total Entertainment Expenses ($)
Total Transport & Auto Expenses ($)
Total Childcare Support Expenses ($)

Total Summary Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Quarterly Yearly
Total Income ($)
Total Expenses ($)
Total Net Income ($)

Home & utilities
Insurance & financial
Personal & Medical
Transport & Auto